Home Turtled Boat Rescue
- Practice and develop the rescue skill of approaching and righting a turtled sailboat using a method(s) appropriate for the type of boat.
Setting Up the Drill:
- Equipment: a sailboat rigged with sails and a long line attached to the mast tip to capsize the boat.
- Ensure there is no water in the boat’s flotation tanks and their drain plugs are secured.
- With sufficient water depth (use a sounding lead and not the mast tip), remove the float from the mast tip and allow the boat to turtle.
Conducting the Drill:
- The first objective is to get the turtled boat into the normal capsized position (lying on its side).
- From there it may be possible for the rescue boat to get into position for a forestay/mast-tip lift, or get a second boat to assist.
Teaching Tips:
- Different boats respond differently to attempts to right them, even boats within the same class.
- Water in a boat’s flotation tanks will make it more difficult to rotate the boat out of the turtled position.
- If the sailboat cannot stay in the normal capsized position to complete the rescue, a second boat will be needed to do the forestay/mast tip lift while the first boat keeps the sailboat from turtling.
Common Errors:
- Attaching the righting line incorrectly.
- Not being able to maintain intended positioning to the turtled boat during the rescue.
- Safety & Rescue Boat Handling On-Water Skill Standard 3.1 and its rubrics
- Safety, Rescue & Support Boat Handling textbook pp. 67, 68